Hi, I’m Andrea.

I’m the wife of an Army veteran and a mom of two who loves to share simple, inexpensive craft ideas. I hope this blog inspires you to create some DIY projects of your own. Feel free to follow me on social media for more inspiration!

10 Random Facts About Me

1. I have a bachelor’s degree in early childhood and elementary education and a master’s degree in curriculum and instruction. I taught kindergarten and pre-kindergarten in three different states but left teaching in 2021. 

2. After not being a “dog person” for the first 40 years of my life, I recently got a dog named Murphy who is the most spoiled Goldendoodle on the planet.

3. Cooking is my least favorite task. Followed closely by meal planning and grocery shopping. But I am a big fan of eating.

4. My favorite foods are anything you might find on the table during Thanksgiving: turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, etc. Of course, those foods only taste good when prepared by someone else.

5. I love listening to live music but prefer to attend shows at outdoor venues. I quickly learned in college that packed indoor concert spaces are not for me.

6. While I am a huge fan of DIY home decor projects, I like to leave big home renovation projects to professionals. My husband likes to do big home projects himself. He is not a professional. You can imagine how those conversations go.

7. The number of books I read in a year increased exponentially when I purchased a Kindle. 

8. I thought it would be a good idea to get my tongue pierced when I was 19. It was not a good idea and it was short-lived.

9. I enjoy attending live sporting events. The sport does not really matter because I usually spend most of my time socializing.

10. If someone told me I had to choose either a TV or a radio for the rest of my life, I would pick a radio without thinking twice. I am not really a TV person. But I love watching YouTube.